Ayromlou+22 catalogues for download

NEW: Catalogues of backsplash and flyby galaxies (Ayromlou et al. 2022)

Link: LGal_Ayromlou2021_FormerSatellites_snap58.hdf5

Description: For every galaxy, this catalogue shows the last snapshot at which the galaxy was a satellite. If a galaxy has never been a satellite, the value is set to -1. If a currently central galaxy has a value other than -1, then the galaxy is a backsplash or flyby galaxy, i.e., it has been a satellite in the past. The galaxies are in the same order as the main and additional catalogues from Ayromlou et al. (2021b) (see below).

Ayromlou+21b catalogues for download

The following catalogues contain output files in hdf5 format from the Ayromlou et al. (2021b) version of the L-Galaxies semi-analytical model of galaxy formation. These catalogues are based on the Millennium and Millennium-II dark matter simulations scaled to the PLANCK-1 cosmology. Volume_MR = \((480.3\ \rm{Mpc}/h)^3\), Volume_MRII = \((96.1\ \rm{Mpc}/h)^3\).

Additional output files are also available upon request to ayromlou@mpa-garching.mpg.de or ayromlou@gmail.com. Furthermore, SQL-based catalogues are provided in the Millennium Database, for which you will need to register first (the registration is free).

The main catalogue contains galaxy properties such as stellar mass, gas mass, star formation rate, etc. Additional properties, such as those for the radially-resolved gas and stellar discs, are provided in the additional catalogue, with matched indices between the two catalogues. A full description of all quantities in both these catalogues is provided here: Ayromlou2021_Catalogue_Description.pdf

Basic python scripts to read these snapshot catalogues are provided here:

The units are as follows:

Conversions between snapshot number, redshift, scale factor, cosmic time fraction, cosmic time, Hubble parameter, and lookback time for a Planck-1 cosmology are provided here:

MR: Millennium_Planck1_Snapshots_Redshifts.txt
MR-II: MillenniumII_Planck1_Snapshots_Redshifts.txt

For catalogues containing star formation histories, the corresponding times and widths of each bin are not saved in the galaxy structure since they are the same for all galaxies at a given snapshot. These can be found here:

Snapshots (single redshifts): Main properties

MR-based models: (Snap 8 = redshift 12.5, Snap 58 = redshift 0):

Snapshots (single redshifts): Additional properties

MR-based models: (Snap 8 = redshift 12.5, Snap 58 = redshift 0):