Henriques2020 Catalogs for download

The catalogs below were directly obtained from the Henriques2020 tables in the Millennium Database. The units are as follows:

Further details about the catalogs can be found in the description of each table in the databse and in this document.

Relation between snapshot, redshift, a, H(z) and time in a Planck cosmology:

For catalogs containing star formation histories the corresponding times and widths of each bin are not saved in the galaxy structure since they are the same for all galaxies at a given snapshot. These can be found here:


The fits files below correspond to snapshots at different redshifts for the full box of the galaxy formation model. These are based on the Millennium and MillenniumII dark matter simulations scaled to the PLANCK year1 cosmology (Volume_MR = \(480.3^3[(\rm{Mpc}/h)^3]\), Volume_MRII = \(96.1^3[(\rm{Mpc}/h)^3]\)) and were extracted from tables Henriques2020a.MRscPlanck1 and Henriques2020a.MRIIscPlanck1 in the database (only M05 stellar populations available). Taking into account the resolution limit of both simulations, the MR based galaxy catalogs are limted to \(M_* \gt 10^{9.5}[M_{\odot}/h]\) and the MRII based galaxy catalogs are limted to \(M_* \gt 10^{7.0}[M_{\odot}/h]\).

MR based models (at different redshifts), M05 stellar populations:

MRII based models (at different redshifts), M05 stellar populations: