Henriques2020 Catalogs for download
The catalogs below were directly obtained from the Henriques2020 tables in the Millennium Database. The units are as follows:
- masses - \(10^{10}M_{\odot}/h\) (multiply by \(10^{10}/h\) to get \(M_{\odot}\))
- chemical element masses - \(\mathrm{M}_{\odot}\)
- positions - \(\mathrm{Mpc}/h\) (divide by \(h\) to get \(\mathrm{Mpc}\))
- velocities - \(\mathrm{km/s}\)
- star formation and accretion rates - \(M_{\odot}/\mathrm{yr}\)
- spins - \(\mathrm{Mpc}/h \:\: \mathrm{km/s}\)
Further details about the catalogs can be found in the description of each table in the databse and in this document.
Relation between snapshot, redshift, a, H(z) and time in a Planck cosmology:
For catalogs containing star formation histories the corresponding times and widths of each bin are not saved in the galaxy structure since they are the same for all galaxies at a given snapshot. These can be found here: