Rationale & meeting link
The L-Galaxies Seminar Series is intended to be a collection of online seminars with a bi-monthly schedule,
where speakers selected from within the L-Galaxies community will have the possibility to present their work to the whole community.
The format of the seminars is as follows:
Invited talk (25 min) + Questions (5 min) + Discussion (30 min).
The Discussion session at the end is intended to focus on the relation between the topic of the talk and the L-Galaxies code,
as well as (eventually) on the activity of the related L-Galaxies Working Group(s).
The date and time of each seminar will be announced to the general L-Galaxies mailing list.
The zoom link is here.
For more information on the seminar series, or to nominate someone to give a talk, please contact the organisers:
Daniele Spinoso: dspinoso -at- outlook.it
David Izquierdo Villalba: david.izquierdovillalba -at- unimib.it