Basic information

Date: 22nd to 24th January 2024
Location: DIPC, San Sebastian, Spain

The workshop will hybrid, with online participation available via zoom.

The workshop will include:
(a) presentations on the latest L-Galaxies code developments and results from various groups
(b) discussions about future plans for the model and possible collaborations
(c) a "coding session" to get new users up-and-running with the latest public version of the code

If you are interested in attending, either in-person or virtually, please contact the main organiser (Silvia Bonoli) at:
silvia.bonoli -at-

Code of conduct

All participants are expected to be professional and considerate towards others during discussions and events. The code of conduct of the EAS2023 can be used for reference.
Note that the DIPC also has a protocol againts harrassment, which can be found here.


The schedule for the workshop can be found here.


The San Sebastian airport is very small, with only few flights a day mainly connecting to Madrid and Barcelona. A larger airport is the one of Bilbao, which is about one hour by bus (bus run every hour). If you need help with travel arrangements, please contact silvia.bonoli -at-

There is a bus which runs every hour (typically from 06:45 to 22:45) from Bilbao airport to Donostia/San Sebastian. Travel time is ~1 hr 20 mins. To check the daily timetables, see here: Pesa Bus.

Suggested accommodation

Workshop dinner

The workshop dinner will be held at Restaurante Kaskazuri near the old town in San Sebastian at 20:30 on Wednesday. It is located here.

Coding session: installing the code

Instructions on how to download, install, compile, and run L-Galaxies 2020 and its associated files on different operating systems are here:
On Linux

On Mac OS

On Windows

Note that the minimum storage requirment to run the test version of L-Galaxies 2020 presented at the workshop is ~3.5 GB (including the output file generated). For more information on L-Galaxies storage requirements, see below.

Storage requirements
For a basic L-Galaxies 2020 installation, (a) code files, (b) some dark matter merger-tree files (i.e. "treefiles"), and (c) some spectrophotometric tables are needed. In most cases, only a handful of treefiles are required to return a representative sub-volume containing a realistic range of galaxies (i.e. to roughly reproduce the observed stellar mass function at z=0). The total storage space requirements for these basic files are:

When run on Millennium-I:
Minimum: ~2.5 GB (to run on treefile 5)
Typical: ~9.2 GB (to run on treefiles 0-9)
Maximum: ~402.2 GB (to run on the full Millennium-I, 512 treefiles)

When run on Millennium-II:
Minimum: ~2.0 GB (to run on a single treefile - WARNING: not a representative sub-volume)
Typical: ~6.3 GB (to run on treefiles 40-79)
Maximum: ~186.7 GB (to run on the full Millennium-II, 512 treefiles)

Note that the above estimates do not include the space required to store newly-generated output files. The sizes of these can vary greatly, depending on the number of treefiles used, whether "snapshot" or "galaxytree" mode is chosen, and (in the snapshot mode case) which redshift is outputted. A rough guide to the typical size of each output file for the L-Galaxies 2020 "Default Model" is provided here (for a full set out output files from the whole simulation, multiply by 512):

Outputs when run on Millennium-I:
Snapshot mode: ~50 MB - 1.5 GB each
Galaxytree mode: ~10-25 GB each

Outputs when run on Millennium-II:
Snapshot mode: ~25-350 MB each (excluding treefile 0)
Galaxytree mode: ~10-25 GB each