Running the Model Makefile & Inputs MCMC Data from Plots

Plots presented in Henriques2015a

This page has download links for all the theoretical properties and combined observational data plotted in the paper and a description of the figures.

As in the paper, all theoretical stellar masses have been convolved with a gaussian in log(M*), with width increasing with redshift, in order to account for the uncertainties in observational stellar mass determinations. The scatter is assumed to have similar redshift dependence to that found by Ilbert et al. 2013, but larger size (a gaussian with dispersion 0.08x(1+z) instead of 0.04x(1+z)). This is still considerably smaller than what was found by Conroy et al. 2009 even neglecting IMF uncertainties (0.3 at z=0 and 0.6 at z=2).

All stellar masses derived from observations using Bruzual and Charlot 2003 stellar populations at z>=1 have been corrected by -0.14 dex. This is the conversion from masses derived with Bruzual and Charlot 2003 to Maraston 2005 found by Sanchez et al. 2011.

We find good convergence between predictions based on the Millennium and MillenniumII simulations for all galaxies with log(M*)>9.5. In all plots the Millennium Simulation was used to derive properties for galaxies with log(M*)>9.5 and the Millennium-II to derive properties at lower mass.

Evolution of the Stellar Mass Function between z=0 and z=3

Henriques2015: H15a_SMF.txt

Henriques2013: H13_SMF.txt

Guo2013: Guo13_SMF.txt

Combined observational SMF (blue symbols): Obs_SMF.txt

The Evolution of K- and B-band Luminosity Functions between z=0 and z=3 (not in the paper)

Mass Growth

Henriques2015a mass growth using match in cumulative number density: cmd.txt

Henriques2015a true mass growth: cmd_true.txt

Observed mass growth matching cumulative number densities from the combined stellar mass functions: cmd_obs.txt