Running the Model Makefile & Inputs MCMC Data from Plots

Overview of Makefile and input options

A number of usefull options are available in the makefile and input files. These range from running a completely different version of the galaxy formation model, changing the stellar populations used to compute photometric properties, use a different dark matter simulation, or simply changing the number of outputs snapshots or output properties. Below is a quicky overview of a few key options:


Changing the makefile options might change the output structure. Always make sure you are trying to read the correct LGalaxies_struct in your plotting routines.

Options that control I/O and speed:

Options to choose the dark matter simulation:

Options to run pre-defined models:

Option to control the output of star formation histories:

Options that control the output of emission properties:

Emission properties in the code are calculated from pre-computed photometry tables. These give the emission in different filters, per unit solar mass, as a function of age and metallicity. For a given episode of star formation, the metallicity and age of the population at the output redshifts are interpolated in the tables to give the right emission properties. For observed-frame magnitudes, it is also necessary to compute a table of redshifted emission, as a function of age and metallicity, for each filter and for each output redshift. For the list of snapshots in the Millennium and MillenniumII simulations, photometric tables are already available for WMAP1, WMAP7 and PLANCK cosmologies (you can use OPT += -DPHOTTABLES_PRECOMPUTED). For other simulations, or cosmologies, tables need to be computed on the fly using OPT += -DSPEC_PHOTABLES_ON_THE_FLY.

Type of photometric properties to be computed. The list of magnitudes is read from ./input/Filter_Names.txt and the number of magnitudes is given my the Makefile option NMAG.

Choose the stellar population synthesis model to use. PhotPrefix in input_***.par needs to be changed accordingly.

Detailed Chemical Enrichment:

This option incorporates a detailed calculation of chemical enrichment into the galaxy formation model. Instead of assuming that a fixed yield of metals is formed and immediately returned into the ISM in each star formation event, the mass of each element produced in stars of different masses (i.e. ages) and initial metallicities is computed. The fraction of mass and elements returned into the ISM is then computed over time taking into account stellar evolution. Stellar winds and the death of stars in different types of SN will then return different elements and inject energy into the surrounding medium.

Input Options

Available options in input_***.par:

At run time, an input file (ending in .par) must be passed to the executable as an argument. The parameters and different options available in those files are described here.

Options related to emission properties:

Options related to the dark matter simulation and I/O:

Options related to the Cosmology assumed:

Target Cosmology:

Original Cosmology:

If you use a different cosmology you will need to adjust the BoxSize and Hubble_h used in your plotting routines.

Switches for different physical models:

A number of switches for different physical models are available in the input files. These will change the treatment of specific physical processes and are fully documented in the input files. In general the standard model is defined by the value 0 (except the last two of these variables).

Parameters of the physical model:

The free parameters of the physical model can be adjusted in the input files. These will change the efficiencies of different physical processes and are fully documented on the input files (including references to equations or sections in the supplementary material of Henriques et al. 2015).

Additional input files in /input/: